Fields of Fun

Fields of Fun
Turno 3

# White Pieces Turno 3 Black Pieces
1. Quellhorst, Greta (1000) 1 : 0 Goodman, Maguire (1000)
2. Syroney, Oscar (1000) 1 : 0 Kauffman, Michael (1000)
3. Lie, Michael (1000) 1 : 0 Hamilton, Kimm (1000)
4. Dimeo, Lenora (1000) 1 : 0 O’Brian, Audrey (1000)
5. McLearen, Maddie (1000) 1 : 0 Coleman, Otha (1000)
6. Yisrael, Quenzel (1000) 1 : 0 Douglas, Willie (1000)
7. Glover, Simeon (1000) 1 : 0 Mansfield, Emily (1000)
8. Louis, Josiah (1000) 1 : 0 Shafer, Nick (1000)
9. Goodwin, Aubrey (1000) 1 : 0 Miller-Graham, Jay (1000)
10. O’Brian, Ellery (1000) 1 : 0 Torucas, Ronald (1000)
11. Hershberger, Alejandro (1000) 1 : 0 Kroner, Zach (1000)
12. Newman, Jackson (1000) 1 Nessun Avversario